Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting Technology!

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Have You Thanked Your IT/Telecom Team?

During this pandemic, we've all been quick to thank our frontline workers, usually hospital workers and others providing essential services. And rightfully so. But when was the last time you gave a shout-out to your IT/telecom frontline? They've been through a lot over the last several months, keeping networks up, keeping phones, computers, tablets...
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Now is the Best Time to Audit Your Vendors – Here's Why!

If you are in IT, you already know how to do more with less. These days, those skills are needed even more. So, given the increasing numbers of technologies and apps you have to manage, right now you're keeping vendor contracts on the back burner. You'll get to them when things calm down, right? It's important not to let the disruptions caused by C...
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Staff and Budget Shrunk by COVID? 5 Ways TEM Can Help!

  Chances are that, if you run an IT department, your team along with your budget has been downsized. This pandemic has turned our world upside down and it's not over yet. That means you will have to continue to do more with less. But that doesn't mean that you have to compromise delivering quality and efficiency to your end users. You may hav...
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If Ever There Was a Time for An IT Audit, It’s Now!

Just when you thought you had saved all the money you could, the march is on to save even more. As businesses begin to look at their respective versions of a post-COVID "new normal" there will be even more pressure to find areas where you can save money, while ensuring that your IT department is capable of supporting a more flexible and potentially...
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COVID Cut Your Budget by 7.3%: What You Need to Do

​ What You Need to Do If you've read the latest Gartner report , you know that IT spending is down this year by 7.3%. Looking at the categories, the most dramatic budget cuts are being felt in devices, down by 16.1% and data systems, down by 10.3%. Why is this? As you can guess it's COVID-19 related, as are so many issues and challenges these days....
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Your Post-COVID Work Strategy: IT Should Play a Major Role!

A lot has changed since back in March when businesses closed their doors and hunkered down to wait out the pandemic. And, while some doors are beginning to open, it may be awhile for others. IT managers, however, should be busy right now. If they're smart. Why? Because, for many employees, working remotely has proven to be a positive transition. Fo...
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Need to Save Money? Start with IT/Telecom!

These are tough times for everyone. This pandemic has rocked us both emotionally and financially. Many businesses have had to close their doors and/or lay off employees, at least for the short term. Maybe yours is one of them. So, if ever there was a time when companies need to tighten up expenditures, this is it, wouldn't you agree? Now, as we beg...
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6 Questions to Ask Yourself as You Deal with This Crisis

How are you handling these challenging times? If you are in charge of IT/Telecom for your organization, you have a unique set of challenges. They involve not only keeping yourself and your family safe but serving the remote working needs of your end users. Some of you may be hustling to securely connect users to new applications, such as conference...
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Why Did You Pay That Invoice?

Are you looking at ways to save money for your company? Stop overpaying your IT/telecom invoices. You may not be aware that over 85% of mid-sized companies are not fully auditing their IT/telecom invoices. So, they get paid in full, month after month. While that may be easy, it comes with a potentially expensive problem: errors and hidden charges. ...
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Why is Your IT Department Not Getting Any Respect?

As comedian, Rodney Dangerfield, used to complain, "I get no respect!" It's hard to believe, with all the new technology they manage, IT departments continue to struggle to gain the respect they deserve within their companies. In fact, in a recent article in CIO Magazine, CIO of City of Los Angeles Information Agency (ITA), Ted Ross, was quoted as ...
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5G Is Here: How Ready Should You Be?

It seems like not that long ago that all we were hearing about was 3G and then 4G and all the great things it would be able to do. Now, seemingly overnight, we're hearing about 5G. Will this ever end? The short answer is "no". We'll probably soon be on to 6G and so on. Advances in technology are driving the need for networks to be constantly beefed...
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Two Things You Still Need in 2020

When was the last time you heard or read about AI and ML? How about IoT? G5? Probably not that long ago. And, of course, the list goes on. The fact is that these concepts have almost become commonplace; at least when it comes to talking about them.  And yet, behind the scenes at most IT/Telecom departments, there are more realworld issues to f...
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Are You Prepared for These 5 Trends?

 If you're in charge of an IT department, no one knows better than you the challenges that the data and analytics bring to your organization. First of all, you're charged with keeping your finger on the pulse of what's on the horizon. Along with that, you're expected to methodically implement those pieces of technology that are best suited to ...
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Are You Running Your IT Department Like Steve Jobs?

Inc. Magazine recently wrote about Steve Jobs' return to a floundering Apple, back in 1997, and how he restored focus and innovation to get the company back on its feet and into an unprecedented period of growth. And, as they say, the rest is history. The "focus methodology" Jobs deployed was dubbed the "30% rule". In a nutshell, the concept is tha...
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Get Ahead of the Curve in 2020!

​ Believe it or not we're heading into the last quarter of the year. This is the time when everyone tries to knuckle down and get some things done. It's also the time when you go back and look at all the things you were supposed to accomplish this year and nervously try to tackle a few before the holidays roll around. Here's one thing you could do ...
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Have Remote Workers? Security Just Got More Critical!

Today's IT departments are facing plenty of new security challenges, especially those supporting employees who work remotely. As you know, this is a trend that really took off with generation Y employees (millennials) seeking employers who could offer a better work/life balance. So, to secure top talent, employers started providing flexible schedul...
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How to Save 25-40% on Your Annual IT/Telecom Spend

​ When was the last time you reviewed all the various provider contracts sitting in your drawers or file cabinets? Chances are you could be saving much more by identifying and eliminating unnecessary services and products and negotiating better deals. But if you're like so many managers, you are strapped for time as it is. Who has time to put every...
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4 Key IoT Challenges Face IT Managers

The Internet of Things. Better known as IoT, a technological phenomenon born from the ability to embed sensors and other components into everyday devices and items to allow us to collect data from them. Lots of data. And, while IoT brings an amazing new level of intelligent information to businesses, there are challenges to IoT and the big data it ...
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3 Money-Draining Mistakes to Correct Now

To say that IT and telecom managers have a lot of challenges these days is an understatement. One of the biggest challenges is getting budget approval to update old technologies and install new ones. Does that sound familiar? One way we work with our clients is to provide better visibility over bills and contracts to help you save potentially thous...
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Clean Up Your IT Department Inventory and Save!

The idea of spring cleaning has long become a cliché, but it's for a good reason. It is an opportune time to take stock of all the items we've collected throughout the year and clean out our inventories as we make way for new ones. Spring cleaning can be particularly beneficial for IT departments, notorious for housing obsolete cables, computer com...
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About TeleManagement Technologies, Inc.

TeleManagement Technologies, Incorporated (TTI) provides Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting solutions designed to effectively track, integrate, manage and protect an organization's information technology resources. TTI's TEM solution, WinBill®, has developed a reputation for an impressive ROI, with clients reporting savings of 300% or more! WinCall® Call Accounting tracks all domestic and international locations regardless of PBX type (analog, digital, VoIP) to facilitate internal bill back, identify PBX toll fraud and increase employee productivity. Extensive reporting capabilities are also included for planning purposes. TTI's experienced, responsive support team helps keep CFOs and IT/Telecom departments in total control of their technology expenses.

Since 1987, TTI has been designing software products that provide a better solution to managing corporate technology, inventory, expenses and services. For more information, visit

Check out other recent posts by TTI

​For most IT departments, there are more projects scheduled than there is money to pay for them. Technology innovations are coming at us fast and furious these days and end users are pushing for the latest and greatest. So it's on IT managers to esta...
​Every year it seems like more data is becoming unlocked and available for use by devices, applications, and platforms. That means that IT managers must make decisions on what data to collect, how to collect it and how to turn it into useful informat...
For CIOs and other IT professionals it can be helpful to periodically step back and look at industry trends and how others in your field are tackling the many complex issues you all face. Where are other technology leaders putting their focus over th...
The end of a quarter brings with it an opportunity to take stock of your goals, your department efficiency, and how you are serving your end users and helping to meet the broader strategic goals of your company.That's a lot to sort through, especiall...
​If you're an IT manager, it won't take long to answer that question. Between updating old systems, adding more apps for end users, and attracting new talent, another $100K would be welcome.So where can you find that kind of money?​Through an audit o...
Most of the IT managers we speak with are full of exciting plans for bringing new technologies into their companies. Frankly, one reason for this is that they are using WinBill® to keep a tight grip on expenses. It helps free them up to do some amazi...

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