Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting Technology!

Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting Blog!

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Want Your IT Department to Thrive? Here’s Where to Focus!

Given the complexities of today's technology and the pressure on IT to perform, you need to have your end users on your side. That means doing more than just satisfying their needs; you need to build a strong relationship with them. Here's how: When you run a busy IT department your days are anything but predictable. All it takes is for your networ...
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6 Questions That Can Save You Money and More!

If you are managing an IT department, you are faced with more tough decisions than ever before. How to secure the best talent for your team, how to optimize your carrier contracts, how to prepare for the next wave of technology, and so on. The list is seemingly endless. Taking on a more strategic role in your organization means positioning yourself...
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Tech Trends for 2019: Are You On Track?

What will be keeping you up at night this year? The same things as last year? For many IT and telecom professionals the answer is probably "yes" as you continue to struggle with harnessing technology to fit the daily needs of your end users, as well as the future plans of your organizations. It's not easy! At TTI we interact regularly with IT manag...
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Great 2019 Plan, But What Will Senior Management Think?

​We're near the end of the year. You've taken time and energy to get a fresh 2019 plan knocked into shape. Your budget is ready with several initiatives outlined and ready to be put into action. But first, you must get your plan and your budget approved by senior management. And that is where many plans can become derailed. Here are four things you...
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What's In Your Cloud for 2019?

Those of you who are in charge of IT for your company are well aware of the huge investments being made in cloud-based networks and applications. You may be making some of your own! By the end of this year, assuming the IDC predictions are correct, about 50% of a company's IT annual spend will be cloud-based, increasing to 60% by 2020. Clearly, clo...
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Is He or She Really the Best IT Fit For Your Company?

In case you haven't noticed, we're in a tight employee market. In many ways that's great news because the economy is booming and unemployment is low. But for organizations seeking fresh IT talent, the competition has become fierce. And managers are bending over backwards to get the best and brightest on board. Some of the perks now being offered to...
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TEM: It’s Not Just Telecom Anymore!

As you probably know, the term "TEM" has for decades been the acronym for Telecommunications Expense Management. That's because back when the term was first coined, our world consisted primarily of voice telecommunications services and equipment. So, you might say, it's long overdue for an update. Of course, there's nothing outdated about the value...
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Cloud, IoT...What's on YOUR IT Road Map?

We talk with IT folks all the time. And, we have nothing but respect for the myriad of responsibilities they hold in our ever-changing technology landscape. If you work in IT, chances are you are now dealing with more data than ever before, trying to fill skills gaps, tackling security threats and trying to keep your network running smoothly to sup...
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Are Your Systems Safe From Hackers?

We talk to many IT and Telecom professionals who tell us they are pretty confident that they are doing everything possible to keep their networks and devices safeguarded against hackers. Yet they also admit that it's not easy keeping tabs on the latest virus threats and protecting their organizations. We all know ingenious hackers can find new ways...
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4 Things You Should Not Be Paying For!

You've never been busier --- keeping users up and running, safeguarding your network and systems from hackers and viruses, keeping up to date on new technology and how it can benefit your organization --- the list goes on. Who has time to start looking through old invoices, sorting through old computers and software programs and revisiting contract...
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Spreadsheets May be Hindering Your Business

Back when Excel introduced spreadsheets it was considered a revolutionary break through in the way information, particularly numbers, could be organized. If you've been around long enough you probably recall the early days of Excel. It was the shiny new thing that not only worked well but saved hours of time at the calculator. And you could put tog...
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Are You Still Operating Like a "Cost Center'?

A recent report by AOTMP includes a section on using KPIs to measure the value of various IT and telecom functions as they relate to overall strategic business issues. This, of course, makes a lot of sense, as IT and telecom managers strive to play a more strategic role within their organizations and continue to work to break free from the nagging ...
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Is Your IT/Telecom Department Causing People to Quit?

Nintex recently conducted a survey that included 1,000 professionals from companies with over 1,000 employees. TechRepublic recently published the results of that survey. Here are some statistics that might surprise you: Only 24% of those surveyed report they receive "very prompt" service from their in-house IT team. 62% of those surveyed have obse...
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2018 IT/Telecom Challenges: Same Old Problems?

Network World recently released it's annual "Top 10 Challenges IT Faces" article. As usual, it has some interesting insight. Perhaps not surprisingly, however, is the fact that many of the issues are the same ones IT/Telecom faced five years ago! The uncomfortable fact is that many IT/Telecom departments have struggled to keep pace with the needs o...
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Three Ways to Clean up Your Inventory Reporting

How "clean" is your inventory reporting? And why does it matter? According to the latest AOTMP State of the Telecom Management Industry, the top cause for poor performing practices in organizations is poor inventory management. And this is in spite of the fact that there are plenty of tools and programs available to help IT departments gain better ...
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How to Get Your IT Budget Approved This Time!

Getting budget approval for a new year is always challenging. Often the C-level managers look at IT/Telecom as just a necessary expense and leave it at that. It can be hard to get inside their heads and change their thinking. The result is a budget that maintains the status quo, but which fails to give you the flexibility to grow and to adopt new t...
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Is Old Technology Costing You Money? 3 Questions to Ask IT

If you are like so many businesses, you are probably under a tight budget. And tight budgets mean you have to make due with technology that is often woefully out of date. So you keep it going until you absolutely must take action. Here is the problem with continuing to try to make old, outdated technology "work". You are impairing more than just th...
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When Your Vendor Gets Acquired

You may have read recently of the acquisition of TEM (Telecom Expense Management) provider, MDSL, by Sumeru Equity Partners. Earlier in the year we had the acquisition of another TEM provider, Tangoe, by Marlin Equity Partners as part of a merger between Marlin's enterprise mobility management software acquisition, Asentinel and Tangoe. Whew! Who's...
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Significant Telecom Savings are Possible If You Know How to Find Them!

It is possible now, more than ever, to save thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars off your monthly telecom spend. Why? Because there have never been more suppliers, more products, more applications and a greater diversity of networks than there are today. That means that there are more areas to find savings. But you have to know where to lo...
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It’s One of the Most Common Causes of Overspending: What Are You Doing About It?

Billing errors happen every day! In fact, they are one of the most common causes of overspending in an organization. How do these errors occur? They may occur when an invoice charge does not align properly with the terms of your contract. Or they may occur when you are simply billed for services you are not using. Here's the problem. Instances of b...
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About TeleManagement Technologies, Inc.

TeleManagement Technologies, Incorporated (TTI) provides Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting solutions designed to effectively track, integrate, manage and protect an organization's information technology resources. TTI's TEM solution, WinBill®, has developed a reputation for an impressive ROI, with clients reporting savings of 300% or more! WinCall® Call Accounting tracks all domestic and international locations regardless of PBX type (analog, digital, VoIP) to facilitate internal bill back, identify PBX toll fraud and increase employee productivity. Extensive reporting capabilities are also included for planning purposes. TTI's experienced, responsive support team helps keep CFOs and IT/Telecom departments in total control of their technology expenses.

Since 1987, TTI has been designing software products that provide a better solution to managing corporate technology, inventory, expenses and services. For more information, visit

Check out other recent posts by TTI

​For most IT departments, there are more projects scheduled than there is money to pay for them. Technology innovations are coming at us fast and furious these days and end users are pushing for the latest and greatest. So it's on IT managers to esta...
​Every year it seems like more data is becoming unlocked and available for use by devices, applications, and platforms. That means that IT managers must make decisions on what data to collect, how to collect it and how to turn it into useful informat...
For CIOs and other IT professionals it can be helpful to periodically step back and look at industry trends and how others in your field are tackling the many complex issues you all face. Where are other technology leaders putting their focus over th...
The end of a quarter brings with it an opportunity to take stock of your goals, your department efficiency, and how you are serving your end users and helping to meet the broader strategic goals of your company.That's a lot to sort through, especiall...
​If you're an IT manager, it won't take long to answer that question. Between updating old systems, adding more apps for end users, and attracting new talent, another $100K would be welcome.So where can you find that kind of money?​Through an audit o...
Most of the IT managers we speak with are full of exciting plans for bringing new technologies into their companies. Frankly, one reason for this is that they are using WinBill® to keep a tight grip on expenses. It helps free them up to do some amazi...

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