By Mark on Friday, 11 February 2022
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

New Year, New Projects. What Could Go Wrong?

Never have we been in a more dynamic, fluid environment for IT professionals than today. The pandemic was all about battening down the hatches, then we (sort of) came out of it, then back in it again. Now, as you adjust your team to this somewhat precarious new normal and get some projects going, it's important to keep your eyes open for signs of potential IT project misfires that can bring your networks, end users and company to a grinding halt. CIO Magazine published an interesting look at all the things waiting to go wrong for IT departments and why. While the article focuses on the really big disasters often associated with major deployment failures, we've extracted a few of their insights, and put our own spin on them, based on years spent in the trenches with IT colleagues and clients.

Here are three things that may trigger the next IT debacle lurking around the corner.

Can you avoid these triggers? Yes. Here are three things you can and should do to avoid an IT disaster:

Before you start any new project, slow down and take stock of your team, their capabilities and how you organize your work. And, while you're focused on your project, make sure you're not neglecting some of the basics of operating your department. Contact us to learn more about how our professional services team can help take some things off your plate and free you and your team up to tackle the big stuff. We're here to help!