By Mark on Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

Need to Save Money? Start with IT/Telecom!

These are tough times for everyone. This pandemic has rocked us both emotionally and financially. Many businesses have had to close their doors and/or lay off employees, at least for the short term. Maybe yours is one of them. So, if ever there was a time when companies need to tighten up expenditures, this is it, wouldn't you agree?

Now, as we begin to hear about the potential of opening up some businesses again, you may be looking for as many dollar saving tips as possible. That's a good idea. And here's a good place to look: Telecom and IT. Why? Because that's where so many over-payments and unnecessary payments occur, month after month. If you manage an IT department, that probably won't come as a shock. So here are some areas ripe for savings: 

After you have taken a look at your company's records and bills, how can you prepare yourself, your employees and your department for the months ahead, when business opens up again? Now may be the time to get things in gear and lined up for an audit of your systems and processes as soon as things start to open up. A professional will know where to look to find lost dollars and how to re-negotiate old contracts to secure a better deal. The good news is that, once you find them, the savings can continue month after month.

While it may feel as if we may never get back to work again, the fact is we will. Those who spend this pandemic sitting and worrying will find themselves in worse shape when things do open up. Those who spend this time doing their best to organize and re-evaluate their services, contracts and operations will find themselves in a much better position to move forward, with areas identified where they may be able to save. Hopefully that will be you.