By Mark on Friday, 29 July 2016
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

Inventory: Out of Sight, Out of Mind…Out of Your Pocket!

Are you paying for phones, other equipment and services you are using rarely, or not using at all?​

Do you even know?​

The problem with so many reporting systems is that they only show what you are actually using. So you might still be "connected" to a lot of stuff that you haven't used in months…or even years!​

Like a sleeping giant, it's often easier to keep on 'ignoring the snoring' and leave things alone. And a common fear is that, like a Pandora's box, other issues will crop up that need accounting for.​

Here are a few reasons why you need to take a deep breath and do a deeper dive into your in-house equipment and services:​

So many IT and telecom managers tell us that it's been years since they paid serious attention to cleaning out those messy back closets and took a good long look at their supplier bills. Why? Most report that they're maxed out dealing with the day to day fixes and challenges of running their departments. So if you're one of those folks, you're not alone. And, that's when bringing in a third party professional to conduct an annual audit makes sense.

Being in charge of the technology for your company involves a constant balancing act between providing the latest apps and services for your users and running a tight ship. Taking the extra time to connect the loose ends, toss what you're not using, and take control of your contracts should give you less headaches and more of those "ahhhh" moments.