By Mark on Thursday, 18 April 2019
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

Clean Up Your IT Department Inventory and Save!

The idea of spring cleaning has long become a cliché, but it's for a good reason. It is an opportune time to take stock of all the items we've collected throughout the year and clean out our inventories as we make way for new ones.

Spring cleaning can be particularly beneficial for IT departments, notorious for housing obsolete cables, computer components, handsets and other equipment that has not been used for months, if not years.

If your IT/Telecom department is in need of more space and a better organized inventory, here are some tips to optimize your IT spring cleaning. And here's some added motivation: You'll could save significant money in the process. 

Many IT and telecom managers tell us that the only regret they have after doing an equipment inventory overhaul is that they didn't do it sooner! While cleaning out inventory may initially seem like a daunting task, the biggest challenge is to take the first step. Once you start making progress, you'll probably find it more energizing than exhausting.

Need some help? TTI has an experienced team of IT/Telecom veterans who have been helping organizations tighten up their control of their IT assets for over 20 years. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you clean up your inventory and save considerable money in the process.