By Mark on Friday, 31 March 2017
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

6 Skills Your New IT/Telecom Hires Need!

Network World posted an interesting article a couple weeks ago about the "soft skills" management needs to look for when hiring tech talent.

It bears noting that, according to a Network World poll, 58% of managers cited lack of soft skills as limiting the productivity of their companies. Over half! Wow. Things are changing indeed.

Here is our "take" on the six soft skills mentioned in the article that will drive the next generation of technology talent.

Clearly, some of the above traits all managers seek in bringing new talent on board. All are important. Just as clear, however, is the dynamic shift away from the IT/Telecom managers of the past (who spent most of their hours fixing things and trying to maintain control) towards a new breed, with a new skill set – working in lock step with management, and taking a leadership role in providing the technology and the data intelligence to move the company forward.

As industry veterans ourselves, we think that's a good thing. And, possibly some recompense for all the geeks of the world who, decades past, were simply told to "fix it" or "make this work."