By Mark on Monday, 28 March 2016
Category: Telecom Expense Management Blog

Afraid of What Your Spring Cleaning Might Uncover?

Spring already? Wow. Are you getting ready to do some Spring cleaning? You know, all that stuff you have piled at the back of a drawer? Or pushed to the back of your closet? Or swept under the rug?

For many of us, Spring cleaning is something to, well…put off. How often have you said to yourself, "I don't have the time to deal with that right now," or "I'll have to really carve out some time for that one. I'll tackle it later."

So it's no surprise when we talk to IT and Telecom managers, the very thought of doing a telecom Spring "audit" of telecom that we hear some of those very phrases.

Why is it? Especially when professionals, like TTI, can do this with very little disruption. Often, it's a fear of what you'll uncover in the process --- payments made for unused services; lines never disconnected; equipment that could be turned back in for a rebate; the list goes on. But that's exactly why you do it --- to clean up! Here are two good reasons why this should be the year you do an audit.

  1.  Problems you find today will be worse next year. New technologies replace old ones and your network will only grow in size and complexity to serve a broader base of users and devices. Time to tackle it now.
  2. It may not as bad as you think. A thorough audit will help you organize and assess what you have and where you are now. You may find yourself saying "Okay. This isn't as bad as I thought. We can do this."

Whatever your audit does find, it's better to find it now, rather than later. Your Telecom Expense Management (TEM) provider should be able to conduct your audit without disrupting your day to day work. If they can't, you've got the wrong TEM provider.

If you don't have a TEM solution, there is no better time to consider using one. A good TEM provider will be happy to start off with an audit. And you can get a feel for how they work. Are they forthcoming? Responsive? They should work hard to earn your TEM business. And, once they've finished the audit and left you in ship shape, your TEM will help you keep it that way.

If you are already using TTI's TEM, then you know what we're talking about. If not, there has never been a better time to do your research and put one to work for you.