What You Need to Know About the Rising Cost of Mobility

Mobile expense will soon outpace wireline expense!

A recent AOTMP report "Assessing Hard Dollar Savings with TEM" points out that within 5 years, wireless/mobile expense will represent a larger portion of monthly telecom spend than wireline.

While that fact may not be particularly surprising, the report also notes the following:

An estimated 53% of savings on mobile spend can be attained through optimization

The infiltration of smartphones and tablets, along with the implementation of WiFi and M2M technology platforms is putting mobile on the fast track for rising costs. If optimization actions can result in the neighborhood of 53% savings, IT/Telecom professionals should begin taking actions now. Here are some key areas that can positively impact savings on mobile spend:
  • Disconnect under-utilized devices
  • Maintain accurate inventory of mobile devices and services
  • Adjust mobile rate plans (consider pooled versus individual plans)
  • Mobile phone recycling
The chart below, courtesy of AOTMP, illustrates the impact optimization has on the mobile spend.
Potential Mobile Wireless Savings!
Notice the further savings impact, when invoice audits and contract negotiations are added. Clearly all processes work together to reach the level of savings necessary to keep a fiscally healthy balance between services and cost.

TTI’s WinBill® and WinCall® work in tandem to provide visibility and organization of all components of your communications network. Today wireline costs continue to outrank wireless, but that won’t last long. Bringing both WinBill and WinCall to the table, covers all aspects on a single platform. The team at TTI is experienced at helping IT/Telecom managers optimize their networks to realize a 53% or higher savings on mobile (and wireline) spend.

About TeleManagement Technologies, Inc.

TeleManagement Technologies, Incorporated (TTI) provides Telecom Expense Management and Call Accounting solutions designed to effectively track, integrate, manage and protect an organization's information technology resources. TTI's TEM solution, WinBill®, has developed a reputation for an impressive ROI, with clients reporting savings of 300% or more! WinCall® Call Accounting tracks all domestic and international locations regardless of PBX type (analog, digital, VoIP) to facilitate internal bill back, identify PBX toll fraud and increase employee productivity. Extensive reporting capabilities are also included for planning purposes. TTI's experienced, responsive support team helps keep CFOs and IT/Telecom departments in total control of their technology expenses.

Since 1987, TTI has been designing software products that provide a better solution to managing corporate technology, inventory, expenses and services. For more information, visit www.telmantec.com.

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